!pip install -q ivy
!git clone https://github.com/unifyai/models.git
# Installing models package from cloned repository! 😄
!cd models/ && pip install .
!python3 -m pip install torchvision
Using Ivy ResNet
Use the Ivy ResNet
model for image classification.
Since we want the packages to be available after installing, after running the first cell, the notebook will automatically restart.
You can then do Runtime -> Run all after the notebook has restarted, to run all of the cells.
Make sure you run this demo with GPU enabled!
import ivy
import torch
Data Preparation
Prepare the set of labels
To show the predicted category, we download the labels associated with the pretrained weights. The labels are then loaded into a Python list.
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pytorch/hub/master/imagenet_classes.txt
with open("imagenet_classes.txt", "r") as f:
= [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] categories
Load the image example 🖼️
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unifyai/models/master/images/cat.jpg
= "cat.jpg" filename
# Preprocess torch image
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image
= transforms.Compose([
preprocess 256),
transforms.Normalize(=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
mean=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
)])= Image.open(filename)
torch_img = preprocess(torch_img)
torch_img = torch.unsqueeze(torch_img, 0) torch_img
Visualise image
from IPython.display import Image, display
Model Inference ResNet34
Initializing Native Torch ResNet34
from torchvision.models import resnet34, ResNet34_Weights
= resnet34(weights=ResNet34_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1).to("cuda")
torch_resnet_34 eval() torch_resnet_34.
Initializing Ivy ResNet34 with Pretrained Weights ⬇️
The model is then initialized with the Pretrained Weights when pretrained=True
from ivy_models.resnet import resnet_34
= resnet_34(pretrained=True) ivy_resnet_34
Compile the forward pass for efficiency.
= ivy.asarray(torch_img.permute((0, 2, 3, 1)), dtype="float32", device="gpu:0")
img compile(args=(img,)) ivy_resnet_34.
Use the model to classify your images 🚀
For comparison, both results from Torch ResNet34
and Ivy ResNet34
are shown below.
- Torch ResNet34
= torch.softmax(torch_resnet_34(torch_img.cuda()), dim=1)
torch_output = torch.argsort(torch_output[0], descending=True)[:3]
torch_classes = torch.take(torch_output[0], torch_classes)
print("Indices of the top 3 classes are:", torch_classes)
print("Logits of the top 3 classes are:", torch_logits)
print("Categories of the top 3 classes are:", [categories[i] for i in torch_classes])
Indices of the top 3 classes are: tensor([282, 281, 285], device='cuda:0')
Logits of the top 3 classes are: tensor([0.8507, 0.1351, 0.0069], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<TakeBackward0>)
Categories of the top 3 classes are: ['tiger cat', 'tabby', 'Egyptian cat']
- Ivy ResNet34
= ivy.softmax(ivy_resnet_34(img)) # pass the image to the model
output = ivy.argsort(output[0], descending=True)[:3] # get the top 3 classes
classes = ivy.gather(output[0], classes) # get the logits
print("Indices of the top 3 classes are:", classes)
print("Logits of the top 3 classes are:", logits)
print("Categories of the top 3 classes are:", [categories[i] for i in classes.to_list()])
Indices of the top 3 classes are: ivy.array([282, 281, 285], dev=gpu:0)
Logits of the top 3 classes are: ivy.array([0.85072654, 0.13506058, 0.00688287], dev=gpu:0)
Categories of the top 3 classes are: ['tiger cat', 'tabby', 'Egyptian cat']
Model Inference ResNet50
Initializing Native Torch ResNet50
from torchvision.models import resnet50, ResNet50_Weights
= resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V2).to("cuda")
torch_resnet_50 eval() torch_resnet_50.
Initializing Ivy ResNet50 with Pretrained Weights ⬇️
The model is then initialized with the Pretrained Weights when pretrained=True
from ivy_models.resnet import resnet_50
= resnet_50(pretrained=True) ivy_resnet_50
Compile the forward pass for efficiency.
compile(args=(img,)) ivy_resnet_50.
Use the model to classify your images 🚀
For comparison, both results from Torch ResNet50
and Ivy ResNet50
are shown below.
- Torch ResNet50
= torch.softmax(torch_resnet_50(torch_img.cuda()), dim=1)
torch_output = torch.argsort(torch_output[0], descending=True)[:3]
torch_classes = torch.take(torch_output[0], torch_classes)
print("Indices of the top 3 classes are:", torch_classes)
print("Logits of the top 3 classes are:", torch_logits)
print("Categories of the top 3 classes are:", [categories[i] for i in torch_classes])
Indices of the top 3 classes are: tensor([282, 281, 285], device='cuda:0')
Logits of the top 3 classes are: tensor([0.3429, 0.0408, 0.0121], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<TakeBackward0>)
Categories of the top 3 classes are: ['tiger cat', 'tabby', 'Egyptian cat']
- Ivy ResNet50
= ivy.softmax(ivy_resnet_50(ivy.asarray(img))) # pass the image to the model
output = ivy.argsort(output[0], descending=True)[:3] # get the top 3 classes
classes = ivy.gather(output[0], classes) # get the logits
print("Indices of the top 3 classes are:", classes)
print("Logits of the top 3 classes are:", logits)
print("Categories of the top 3 classes are:", [categories[i] for i in classes.to_list()])
Indices of the top 3 classes are: ivy.array([282, 281, 285], dev=gpu:0)
Logits of the top 3 classes are: ivy.array([0.34288213, 0.04077019, 0.0121203 ], dev=gpu:0)
Categories of the top 3 classes are: ['tiger cat', 'tabby', 'Egyptian cat']